This is visibly evident from the fact that his mental senility is on full display practically every time that he speaks. He himself is nothing other than a placeholder for the so-called “powers that be” who are pulling his strings behind the scenes. In the event that Biden is inaugurated on 20 January like they plan to have happen, then the first thing to point out is that he’d simply be a puppet of the wannabe dictators that compromise the Democrat Party and their “deep state” backers. If anything, this thought experiment might inspire even more patriots to peacefully resist the coup and possibly change the course of American - and by natural extent given their country’s prominent international status, even global - history. Nevertheless, despite the outcome of this struggle presently being uncertain, it’s worthwhile exploring the worst-case scenario of what might happen if the “deep state” succeeds.

This speaks to the fear that Biden’s backers in the US’ permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”) have about their superficially “democratic” coup potentially being reversed by the Supreme Court, which if anything should only motivate patriots to stream out into the street with more gusto than before (albeit after organizing their peaceful activities on VK instead of Facebook considering the latter’s latest censorship spree). The purpose in doing so was to preemptively thwart patriotic Americans’ employment of “Democratic Security” measures through the expression of their constitutionally enshrined right to freely assemble across the country in support of Trump by demoralizing them with the false impression that doing so wouldn’t change anything. The decades-long Hybrid War of Terror on America reached a new intensity after the Mainstream Media’s massive psyop over the weekend which manipulatively “projected” that Biden won the election despite the outcome still being litigated and far from legally certain at this time.